Friday, May 22, 2009

American Idol

So after months of anticipation it all came down to the Finals of American Idol on Tuesday night. Kris Allen, the humble dark horse against the Adam Lambert, the theatre guy/rocker. 

I have been an avid fan of the show since about half way through Season 3. I don’t know why I didn’t get hooked earlier. I saw the two night finale shows for Seasons 1 and 2. I started tuning in to season 3 after they had entered the top 12 and I was hooked. 

I use the show as a teaching tool with my students. There is so much we can learn from watching other singers and performers. Both the good and the bad. Then there is my one pet peeve, “You picked the wrong song”, “I wouldn’t have chosen that song for you”,  “That song didn’t really work for me, Dawg”, “That was absolutely hideous, like a cat being sent through a carwash”. (I’ll leave you to figure out who said what). 

So why can’t the Idols pick the right songs. Well check back for to find out my thoughts. For now I will move onto this year’s Finale. 

Congratulations to both Kris and Adam. I think you are both truly talented and have great careers waiting for you along with many of your fellow Idol contestants, but tonight belongs to you. I think you both showed exceptional skill and versatility throughout the competition.

To Kris- “I saw amazing growth in your throughout the weeks and I think you are truly coming into your own as a Performer and as an Artist. I was hooked when you did “She Works Hard for the Money”. It was totally unexpected and you took an amazing risk. It could have tanked but that is what risk is about. You leaped and it was “Brilliant”. Even Simon recognized that! 

To Adam- “I saw many sides of you throughout the competition which shows your versatility. Your theatre background shined through, although I have to admit that I liked seeing the softer side of Adam. My mom even likened you to a young Elvis on several occasions. Then there was the rocker bordering on heavy metal. It was wonderful but it sometimes seemed to be bordering on screaming and I though,  “You have an amazing instrument; don’t ruin it singing like that night after night.” I hope you know how to take care of your most important instrument so you will have a long and fulfilling career. 

So the long awaited moment arrived and I must say the hype was that Adam was going to win. In my heart, I thought Kris could indeed be the dark horse and pull this off. I was jumping for joy when he won. I think even he was in shock thinking that Adam was going to win too. No matter;  you deserve it just as much. Soak in every minute and never underestimate God’s plan. I can’t wait to see what your first project holds in store. Hopefully they will let you change the arrangement on “No Boundaries”. Put your “She works Hard skills” to work and refashion it into a winning song that will suit you and appeal to listeners. They in fact are the ones who will buy it.    

To all this seasons Idol keep moving forward with purpose. Some of you need to find yourself as an artist and performer. Some of you have developed some bad vocal habits that could hurt you in the long run so find a good coach to help you out. I am always here to help you. Call or email me. 

To all you Idol hopefuls- keep checking back for posts to help you. Come to the Performance Workshop or schedule private lessons to take yourself to the next level. Keep making beautiful music- it makes the world go around.